Inspiring Queenslanders
Read about these inspiring Queenslanders who overcame everyday challenges by taking time for their mental wellbeing.
Hilary's Story
Ever since childhood, Hillary has found joy in caring for the world around her.
Michelle's story
Everyone experiences feelings of anxiety from time to time.
Greg's story
Calm, confident, and consistent is how most people would describe Greg 52, from Brisbane.
Sara's story
Growing up in El Salvador in the 1980’s, Sara built resilience to endure the extraordinary hardship of living in a country in turmoil.
Finn's story
Three years ago Finn, 25, was looking forward to doing some soul searching overseas.
Brook's story
Every new mother wonders what she’ll pass onto her child. Her sense of humour? Her intelligence? Maybe her curly hair?
Wellbeing that works for you
Whether you are 19 or 90, there are mental wellbeing activities for people from all walks of life. See how other Queenslanders are making time for their mind.