Unhappy couple sat on the end of a bed

Suicide Call Back Service

Suicide Call Back Service is a free nationwide service providing 24/7 phone and online counselling to people affected by suicide.

Support and resources
Worried about someone  

Stigma around suicide

While significant progress has been made in mental health support and suicide prevention, there remains a stigma around suicide. How can we break down the stigma so people can get the support they need?

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Feeling suicidal 

Helping yourself when overwhelmed and suicidal

Having suicidal thoughts can be a response to feeling overwhelmed and distressed. It can be a scary and lonely time but remember that support is available. Read on for a list of things that some people have found helpful when feeling overwhelmed.

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Feeling suicidal 

Talking about suicide

Talking about suicide and sharing your suicidal thoughts can feel challenging. You might think it is easier to keep it to yourself rather than risk telling someone. However, if you choose someone you trust, talking with them about how you feel can help.

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How can we help you?

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  • Why do I want to end my life?
  • I'm going through a relationship break up and need help
  • Am I in a toxic relationship?
  • I need support after suicide attempt
  • What is Suicide Callback Service?

Need to talk to someone?

Suicide Call Back Service offers free professional 24/7 telephone counselling support to people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people experiencing emotional or mental health issues.

Call 1300 659 467

Online Chat & Video Counselling

Suicide Call Back Service offers free professional 24/7 online counselling support to people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people experiencing emotional or mental health issues.

How to access online counselling
Person using phone

What to do in an emergency

If someone’s life is in danger or there is an immediate risk of harm, call emergency services on 000.

Suicide Call Back Service has advice on what to do if you are with a person at risk, if the person at risk has called you, or you need the poisons information hotline.

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More from Suicide Call Back Service

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  • Feeling suicidal
  • Worried about someone
  • Lost someone to suicide
  • Mental health

Learn about suicide warning signs

A person who is thinking about suicide may give some clues or suicide signs to those around them that indicate they are distressed. These are often referred to as suicide warning signs. Suicide prevention starts with recognising these suicidal warning signs and taking them seriously.

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Women sat crying at the beach showing suicide warning signs

Learn about suicide warning signs

A person who is thinking about suicide may give some clues or suicide signs to those around them that indicate they are distressed. These are often referred to as suicide warning signs. Suicide prevention starts with recognising these suicidal warning signs and taking them seriously.

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Grief, loss and 'Sorry Business'

Grief is an emotional response to loss, which might include the death of a loved one, loss of health, ending of a relationship, loss of a job, or a loss of cultural connection, such as moving off country. It is important to acknowledge and express those feelings without judgement.

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Man sat asking himself what are the causes of anxiety

Symptoms and causes of anxiety

Anxiety is more than a passing feeling of being worried or nervous when you have an important or stressful event coming up. When anxiety is long term and doesn’t go away after a stressful event, it can start to affect your everyday life. Here we look at the anxiety symptoms and causes of anxiety.

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Man sat at desk, with his head in his hands trying to manage workplace stress

Managing workplace stress

Are you feeling overwhelmed at work? You’re not alone. Workplace stress can impact all of us. This article explores the causes of stress at work and equips you with strategies to manage it

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Man sat asking himself what are the causes of anxiety

Symptoms and causes of anxiety

Anxiety is more than a passing feeling of being worried or nervous when you have an important or stressful event coming up. When anxiety is long term and doesn’t go away after a stressful event, it can start to affect your everyday life. Here we look at the anxiety symptoms and causes of anxiety.

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Man sat at desk, with his head in his hands trying to manage workplace stress

Managing workplace stress

Are you feeling overwhelmed at work? You’re not alone. Workplace stress can impact all of us. This article explores the causes of stress at work and equips you with strategies to manage it

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Information for Health Professionals

Understand how our counselling services work, how to refer a client and access support materials for clients at risk.

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Suicide Call Back Service would like to acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices and continuing connection to Lands, Waters and Communities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Sovereignty has never been ceded. It always was and always will be, Aboriginal land.   

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